Why a little bit tech?
I’m Mark Poulton and this blog is hoping to share posts that help you discover something new and spark your curiosity about a variety of tech topics I’m passionate about.
I’ve always been around tech, from those youthful days in the early 1980’s receiving a Commodore VIC20 and subsequently a Commodore 64. And soon after that my dad coming home struggling to carry an original IBM PC XT through the front door. My adult life has almost always centered around the IT industry and technology.
I’ve had roles in multiple facets of the IT industry, from Developer to Sysadmin, Network Designer, Service Desk, Technical Trainer, Network Manager. A couple of brief hiatuses as a Personal Trainer and then as a Telco Account Manager (please forgive me!). But ultimately drawn back to the technology sector. where I’m currently a Product Manager for several Network products.

Part Techie – Part Nerd
Even home life has been heavily influenced by tech and IT. From building PC’s through most of Intel’s processor families to running home labs to aid with study for qualifications.
Having a rack full of physical servers – because, well why not. Moving to virtualization and now ultimately running Docker containers.
Home automation has been a recent reason to nerd out with smart lighting, sensors for all sorts of environmental readings and everything in-between.
Reverting to Childhood
The phenomenon of ‘adult’ targeted Lego has allowed me to justify reliving my childhood, and indulging in building sets as a stress reliever. Well that’s my justification and I’m sticking to it.